Utility Models.

Utility Models focus on small improvements to tangible devices, such as everyday items. A Utility Model is not granted for methods, processes, chemicals, etc. However, the Patent office may require less inventive steps than they do for Patents if the circumstances support this.
Time to Acquire:

7 to 45 months

Duration of Protection:

10 years


Minimum of 13,000 AED, excluding professional fees.

Examples of Utility Models:

Everyday items, mechanical systems, small improvements to what exists, and more.

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What is a Utility Model?

Utility Models provide inventors with exclusive rights to their innovations for 10 years - typically a shorter duration than Patents. They can be processes, tools, or modifications and improvements to existing inventions.

In order to obtain a Utility Model it must satisfy the UAE’s conditions and requirements for Utility Models.

Applications in the UAE are handled by the Ministry of Economy (MoEc) and are covered under Federal Law No. (11) of 2021 on the Regulation and Protection of Industrial Property Rights, which is the same legislation as Patents. This makes them similar when it comes to registration, enforcement and commercialization.

Keep in mind that applying through the MoEc will give you protection in the UAE only. If you wish to be protected in other countries or regions, you will need to apply through their IP offices.

To apply for a Utility Model you must be a UAE citizen or have residency status in the UAE. If you are applying from outside the UAE, a local IP Attorney may apply on your behalf.

Before applying, you should use discretion when sharing information surrounding your invention to prevent unintentional disclosure and maintain a competitive advantage in the market. Do this by making sure you have the right agreements in place to protect it from being disclosed to the public, as failing to do so may lead to your application getting rejected.

A food processing machine, registered in 2015 by Huashu Zhongxing Household Appliances Ltd. Co., LTD. Recognized by the UAE Ministry of Economy, this machine is capable of bearing heavy loads, revolutionizing food processing technology.
© 2023 Lari Bat | Industrial Machine to Resemble the Utility Model

Before applying, be careful not to share any confidential information about your idea. This helps protect its novelty, prevents others from copying it, and keeps you ahead in the market. Make sure you have agreements in place to keep your idea private. If you don't, your application might be rejected.

Do You Have an Idea That Qualifies for a Utility Model?

In the UAE, specific conditions must be met for an invention to qualify for a Utility Model. It's important to consider these conditions and evaluate whether your invention meets them. An IP Attorney can assist you in this evaluation process.

Use the information below to outline whether your idea meets the requirements:


Your idea must be original, not previously known or disclosed, to qualify for a Utility Model. Essentially, it must introduce something unique to the relevant field.
Additionally, there's a "novelty grace period" allowing for a short time after public disclosure to file an application without penalty. This means you may still obtain a Utility Model if you act quickly, even after discussing your invention.

Inventive Step /

The idea must not be obvious to someone skilled in that field—it should show a level of creativity and not be a simple or clear development of what's already known in prior art. It can be an inventive modification or improvement to existing technology. The threshold for inventive steps is lower for Utility Model than for Patents.

Industrial Application / Utility:

The idea must have a practical and useful purpose in some industry or field, not just be a theoretical idea.

Applicable Subject Matter:

This refers to the type of inventions that can be eligible for Utility Models. In the UAE, only tangible items like kitchen devices can be registered as a Utility Model, while methods, processes, materials, and chemical inventions are not allowed for Utility Models.

The following subject matter cannot be granted a Utility Model:

Plant Varieties, animal species, or systems for plant or animal production. (Although Plant Varieties can be protected in a different way, head to our page on Plant Varietiesto learn more.)

— Methods for diagnosing, treatment, and surgery for human and animal health.

— Principle, discoveries, scientific theories or mathematical formulas.

— Natural substances, even if purified or isolated from nature, except the ways of isolation or purification of natural substances from the original environment.

— Plans, rules or software, or the ways adopted to transact business or practice pure mental activities or a game.

— Inventions that could harm national security or public morality.

Sufficiency of Disclosure:

The invention must be clearly and completely explained in an application so that someone skilled in that field can understand and replicate it without too much difficulty.

Drafting Method:

Specifications, especially claims must be drafted in a clear and concise manner in accordance with the implementing regulations.

Benefits of Registering

a Utility Model

Exclusive Ownership
As the owner of a Utility Model, you possess exclusive rights to exploit your invention in terms of use, sales, offer for sales, manufacturing, and importation.
As touched upon elsewhere, it is mandatory to use the Utility Model once granted. If you do not within 3 years of being granted, you may face a request for a Compulsory License from a third party.
Monetizing Your Idea
Generate revenue by commercializing your Utility Model through licensing allowing you to set conditions for its use. Additionally, you have the option to sell the Utility Model outright for the appropriate fee. You could also develop your protected products and go directly to market.
Ideas as Strategic Assets
Utility Models are proof of a company's innovative strength and are intangible assets. They can enhance a company's reputation, help with marketing, and facilitate the search for investors.

Examples of Utility Models

These certificates cover inventions with industrial applicability but may lack the level of inventive activity required for a patent.

of Utility Certificates

These certificates cover inventions with industrial applicability 
but may lack the level of inventive activity required for a patent.

Food and Beverage

Manufacturing tools, or modifications to existing products

© 2018 Stocksy | Clique Images Butter production in factory.
All rights reserved.

Novel packaging design that enhances product shelf life or a method of organizing items

© 2017 Stocksy | Walter and Deb Hodges Photography Carboard boxes on conveyer belt.
All rights reserved.
Everyday appliances

Energy-efficient washing machine or a toaster with a unique safety feature

© 2015 Stocksy | J Danielle Wehunt Three Washing Machines.
All rights reserved.
Food and Beverage

Manufacturing tools, or modifications to existing products

© 2018 Stocksy | Clique Images Butter production in factory.
All rights reserved.

Novel packaging design that enhances product shelf life or a method of organizing items

© 2017 Stocksy | Walter and Deb Hodges Photography Carboard boxes on conveyer belt.
All rights reserved.
Everyday appliances

Energy-efficient washing machine or a toaster with a unique safety feature

© 2015 Stocksy | J Danielle Wehunt Three Washing Machines.
All rights reserved.
Food and Beverage

Manufacturing tools, or modifications to existing products

© 2018 Stocksy | Clique Images Butter production in factory.All rights reserved.

Novel packaging design that enhances product shelf life or a method of organizing items

© 2017 Stocksy | Walter and Deb Hodges Photography Carboard boxes on conveyer belt. All rights reserved.
Everyday Appliances

Energy-efficient washing machine or a toaster with a unique safety feature

© 2015 Stocksy | J Danielle Wehunt Three Washing Machines. All rights reserved.

Differences Between Patents, Utility Models and Industrial Designs

Governed by Federal Law No. (11) of 2021 on the Regulation and Protection of Industrial Property Right, these intellectual property rights follow comparable procedures for registration and enforcement. This makes them quite similar in how your idea is protected, yet there are small differences between them in terms of duration, scope of protection and grant criteria.

How the process of obtaining a Utility Model unfolds:

Getting a Utility Model in Dubai follows a clear process:

What You Will Find in The Following Pages

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