
Copyrights exist automatically at creation of an original work. To prove ownership, the work must be documented in a way that shows time and date of creation. This could be sending the work in an email, posting it online or anything that shows evidence of authorship. The duration of protection depends on the type of work, and as the owner, you can add the © symbol to put others on notice of your rights. This, in turn, can help deter others from copying your works or infringing on your rights.
Time to Acquire:

3 working days

Duration of Protection:

25 to 50 years


Minimum of 50 AED, excluding professional fees.

Examples of Copyrights:

Photographic works, artistic works, literary works, code, software and more.

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What is a Copyright?

Whether you're an artist, writer, musician, or content creator, copyright empowers you by securing you exclusive rights to your creations. When you create an original work, Copyright automatically exists and you are eligible to add the © symbol to said work without obtaining a recordal. However, a Copyright recordal gives you stronger legal backing should you need to enforce this right or commercialize it through others.

Copyright recordal applications in Dubai are handled by the Ministry of Economy (MoEc) and are covered under Federal Decree-Law No. (38) of 2021 on Copyright and Cabinet Resolution Concerning the Executive Regulations of Federal Decree-Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights. Keep in mind that applying for a Copyright protects your creation in the UAE only. If you wish to record your copyright in other countries or regions, you will need to apply through their IP offices (if recordal is an option).

To apply for Copyright you must be a UAE citizen or have residency status in the UAE. If you are applying from outside the UAE, a local IP Attorney may apply on your behalf.

Before applying, you should consider whether it is necessary to do so. Copyright is automatically granted upon the creation of your work, entitling you to apply the © symbol to your work without registering it. Find out more about the benefits of registering your IP as Copyright below.

Khattaf Raffay by Dubai Abulhoul and Kalimat Group ©. Copyright protection was granted at the time of this publication's release. This protection is recognized globally without the need for registration. Use the © symbol to signify to others that you own it and reserve all rights to the work.
© 2018 Dubai Abulhoul, Sarah Taibah, and Kalimat Group with their book ‘Khattaf Raffay’. All rights reserved.

Before applying, you should consider whether it is necessary to do so. Copyright is automatically granted upon the creation of your work entitling you to apply the © symbol to your work without registering. Find out more about the benefits of registering your IP as Copyright below.

Benefits of Registering

Beyond the inherent protection granted to original works, copyright recordal opens doors to a number of exclusive benefits, including the following:
Evidence of Authorship and Joint Authorship
The Copyright law recognizes authors as individuals who create Copyrightable works or are credited upon publication. This inclusive definition allows creators of all ages, including minors, to register their works and receive due recognition for their contributions. Joint authorship is also acknowledged to safeguard the rights of multiple collaborators who collectively create a work. Also, they may license the commercialization of the works to a third party, so evidence of recordal can be important in such circumstances.
Authorization for Use of the Work
Copyright owners enjoy exclusive rights over their works, including the right to authorize their use. They may delegate rights management and enforcement to specialized professional associations or entities, streamlining administrative processes.
Penalties for Infringement
The UAE's Copyright Law imposes strict penalties for infringing the moral or economic rights of authors or Copyright holders. Offenses, such as selling or distributing Copyrighted works without written permission, can lead to imprisonment and substantial fines, serving as a robust deterrent against Copyright infringement.
Supporting Creativity, Innovation, and Investment
Registering Copyrights fosters a culture of creativity and innovation by providing creators the confidence in that their works are protected. It also improves the state's Intellectual Property registration index, offers official documentation of rights, and enhances the investment environment by assuring businesses and investors that their creative assets are safeguarded.

Examples of Copyrights

Copyright covers a wide range of creations. The examples below are not exhaustive, as Copyright protection extends to a wide range of creative expressions. See the table in the next section for more applied examples of Copyrights and their relevant terms.

Examples of Copyright

Copyright covers a wide range of creations. 

For instance:


Books, booklets, articles, and other literature

© 2022 Shutterstock | Abie Davies Sharjah international book fair. All rights reserved.

Plays, musicals, and pantomimes

© 2006 Mohammed Saeed Harib Freej TV Show.
All rights reserved.

Computer software and applications, databases

© 2019 Shutterstock | Natee Meepian Telegram on iphone. All rights reserved.

Books, booklets, articles, and literature

© 2022 Shutterstock | Abie Davies, Sharjah International Book Fair. All rights reserved.

Computer software, applications, and databases

© 2019 Shutterstock | Natee Meepian, Telegram on iPhone.
All rights reserved.

Plays, musicals, and pantomimes

© 2006 Mohammed Saeed Harib, Freej TV Show.
All rights reserved.

Duration of Protection
for Different Types of Works

Depending on the type of work, different durations of protection are applied.

Type of Work
Example of Work
Duration of Protection
Lifetime of
Individual Authors
A novel written by an author
Lifetime of author + 50 years
First day of the calendar year following the death of author
Collective Works
A song created by a group of musicians
Lifetime of the last surviving author + 
50 years
First day of the calendar year following last death
Collective Works (legal entity)
A published corporate magazine
50 years from first publication
First day of the next calendar year of first publication
Posthumous Works
A book published in 2020 by an author who died in 2010
50 years from year of first publication
First calendar year following the year of first publication
Anonymously /
Pseudonymously Published
A poem published anonymously
50 years from year of first publication
First day of the next calendar year of first publication, unless author is later identified
Applied Art Works
A design artwork for an album
25 years from year of first publication
First calendar year following the year of first publication
A live concert recorded
50 years from year of performance or fixation
First day of the next calendar year of performance or fixation
Phonogram Producers
A music album produced
50 years from year of publication
or fixation
First day of the next calendar year of publication or fixation
if unpublished
Broadcasting Organizations
A TV show
20 years from year of first transmission
First day of the next calendar year of first transmission
Type of Work
Individual Authors
Example of work
A novel written by an author
Duration of Protection
Lifetime of author + 50 years
Lifetime of protection
First day of the calendar year following death of author
Type of Work
Collective Works
Example of work
A song created by a group of musicians
Duration of Protection
Lifetime of the last surviving author + 
50 years
Lifetime of protection
First day of the calendar year following last death
Type of Work
Collective Works (legal entity)
Example of work
A corporate magazine published
Duration of Protection
50 years from first publication
Lifetime of protection
First day of the next calendar year of first publication
Type of Work
Posthumous Works
Example of work
A book published in 2020 by an author who died in 2010
Duration of Protection
50 years from year of first publication
Lifetime of protection
First calendar year following the year of first publication
Type of Work
Anonymously/Pseudonymously published
Example of work
A poem published anonymously
Duration of Protection
50 years from year of first publication
Lifetime of protection
First day of the next calendar year of first publication, unless author is later identified
Type of Work
Applied Art Works
Example of work
A design artwork for an album
Duration of Protection
25 years from year of first publication
Lifetime of protection
First calendar year following the year of first publication
Type of Work
Example of work
A live concert recorded
Duration of Protection
50 years from year of performance or fixation
Lifetime of protection
First day of the next calendar year of performance or fixation
Type of Work
Phonogram Producers
Example of work
A music album produced
Duration of Protection
50 years from year of publication or fixation
Lifetime of protection
First day of the next calendar year of publication or fixation if unpublished
Type of Work
Performer Broadcasting Organizations
Example of work
A TV show
Duration of Protection
20 years from year of first transmission
Lifetime of protection
First day of the next calendar year of first transmission

Rights of Copyright Owners

In most cases, you as the person who created the work owns the Copyright to the work.

However, under certain agreements Copyright ownership can be subject to change. When you create work for an employer, they automatically own the work and its Copyright. Unless stated otherwise. When you are producing work for someone else, it is important to agree on the Copyright ownership of the work. Doing this will help mitigate any issues that may arise during ownership disputes.

Depending on the type of work, there are different rights assigned for control, use and exploitation:

How the Copyright 
Process Unfolds

Getting a Copyright in UAE follows a clear process:

What You Will Find in the Following Pages

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Preparing Your Application

Your Application