Trade Secrets.

Trade secrets protect sensitive business information, like unique methods or custom software, that aren't common knowledge and add value to your company because of their secrecy. By protecting Trade Secrets, you ensure your unique business strategies and proprietary knowledge remain in-house, providing you with a long-term competitive advantage.
Time to Acquire:

Immediately after taking reasonable steps to keep it secret.

Duration of Protection:

No registration required; as long as you keep the secret.


Free of charge

Examples of Trade Secrets:

Manufacturing processes, secret recipes, customer lists, business strategies, and more.

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What is a Trade Secret?

Trade secrets are confidential information that give a business an advantage over its competitors. This can include things like formulas, designs, or practices that aren't known to the public. It's important to keep this information secret to protect the business's edge.Not all confidential information is a trade secret. In order to obtain and maintain a trade secret, active management and control is required.

Understanding how to protect a Trade Secret is important for any business that wants to keep its innovative edge and competitive advantage. They are also the right that innovators will rely on to help protect potential patentable inventions – it may be some years before a patent can be drafted and filed, so trade secrets law provides a form of protection during the research process.

To protect your Trade Secret, you need a clear plan or the right team to keep it safe in your company, complying with the legal requirements. If you need help setting up the legal side, we suggest contacting an IP Attorney.

The World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) offers great resources to develop your knowledge further on this topic. You can read more about this on WIPO.

You need to take a proactive approach to protecting Trade Secrets. They cannot be registered. They are protected as long as you keep it a secret.
© 2017 Shutterstock | Reddavebatcave Top secret paper. All rights reserved.

What is not a Trade Secret?

Publicly Available Information:

Information that can be easily found through public sources, such as public patents or published articles, does not qualify as a trade secret.

General Knowledge and Skills:

Knowledge and skills gained when working at a company is typically not considered Trade Secrets. Given no confidential information is shared, you are allowed to take these learnings to future jobs.

Widely Known Industry Practices:

Standard practices and techniques that are commonly used in an industry are not trade secrets. For example, a widely used coding language or platform in software development.

What are the Borderline Cases?

Customer Preferences:

Detailed customer lists can be trade secrets, but general customer preferences from public sources or industry reports usually aren't considered trade secrets. These could, however, be protected as confidential information.

Idea vs. Execution:

Just having an idea for a product or service isn't a Trade Secret. But the specific plans, designs, or processes to make that idea happen could be considered trade secrets.

Benefits of Trade Secrets

Competitive Advantage
Maintains exclusivity in business insights and operations.
Cost Efficiency
Saves money and keeps the invention secret without patent registration.
No Expiration
Provides protection as long as you keep it a secret.
Lets you take legal action if someone steals or shares your secret.
Can protect a wide range of information that may not be eligible for other types of protection.

Examples of Trade Secret

Trade secrets can be used to protect a wide variety of information.
For instance:

Examples of Trade Secret

Trade secrets can be used to protect a wide variety of information.
For instance:

Food and Beverage

Secret recipes or formulas that give companies their edge in the marketplace.

© 2019 Shutterstock | berni0004 Salt burger van. All rights reserved.

Customer and supplier lists that provide strategic market advantages

© 2013 Stocksy | Margaret Vincent Stack of paper. All rights reserved.

Proprietary software algorithms or coding techniques

© 2023 Shutterstock | T. Schneider Careem app open on phone. All rights reserved.
Food and Beverage

Secret recipes or formulas that give companies their edge in the marketplace.

© 2019 Shutterstock | berni0004 Salt burger van.
All rights reserved.

Customer and supplier lists that provide strategic market advantages

© 2013 Stocksy | Margaret Vincent Stack of paper.
All rights reserved.

Proprietary software algorithms or coding techniques

© 2023 Shutterstock | T. Schneider Careem app open on phone. All rights reserved.

How the Trade Secret process unfolds

Here's a guide to the key stages to help turn your Trade Secret into a protected asset for your business:

What You Will Find in the Following Pages

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Securing Your Trade Secrets

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