Integrated Circuit Layouts.

Electrical and electronic circuitry can be found in a range of objects we use everyday. IC’s protect the way the circuitry in these products is laid out and how active components are connected to each other.
Time to Acquire:

12 months

Duration of Protection:

10 years from the date of filing, or the date of first commercialization in the UAE (whichever comes first).


Minimum of 1,000 AED, excluding professional fees.

Examples of ICs:

Microprocessors, digital signal processors, power management ICs, and more.

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What is an Integrated Circuit Layout?

ICs protect how electrical and electronic systems are laid out and connected, also referred to as Integrated Circuit Topography. Companies and research institutes put huge financial investments and in hire qualified experts, to design and produce electronic products that we use everyday. This form of protection stops others from copying or using these layout designs and topographies without permission from the owner.

In order to obtain an IC, your circuit design must show some form of originality and be the result of your own intellectual effort, and must not be common knowledge in the area concerned. Even though the elements used to create the circuit may be commonplace, the combination and interconnection of these elements must be original in itself. The IC must be filed within two years of the first date of commercial use of the layout design. The date of commercial use in the UAE is an important date to record, as if this pre-dates the filing date of the IC, the 10 year period of protection in the UAE, will run from the date of first commercialization in the UAE, not the filing date.

Applications in the UAE are handled by the Ministry of Economy (MoEc) and are covered under Federal Law No. (11) of 2021 on the Regulation and Protection of Industrial Property Rights. Keep in mind that applying through the MoEc will give you protection in the UAE only. If you wish to be protected in other countries or regions, you will need to apply through their IP offices.

ICs protect the unique way circuitry and active electronic components are connected  - otherwise known as circuit topology.
© 2014 Stocksy | Pixel Stories, man working on electronic board. All rights reserved.
ICs protect the unique way circuitry and active electronic components are connected  - otherwise known as circuit topology.
© 2016 Stocksy |  Alicja Colon, Closeup of Circuit Board Repair. All rights reserved.

To apply for an IC you must be a UAE citizen or have residency status in the UAE. If you are applying from outside the UAE, a local IP Attorney may apply on your behalf.

Before applying, you should keep discretion when sharing information surrounding your potential new design layout or topography to preserve its originality, prevent infringement and maintain a competitive advantage in the market. Do this by making sure you have the right agreements in place to protect it from getting out to the public, as failing to do so may lead to your application getting rejected, or challenged at a later date.

Once filed, the officials will not disclose certain documents provided, in particular the documents showing the 2D or 3D structure of the design, or the explanation of the design.

These are kept confidential under the law. Only limited information will be made public, such as the title of the design layout, and the applicant for the design layout. This is good news for you, as your IC will not be made publicly available by the UAE officials, but it also means that only limited information will be open to you on third party IC filings in the UAE.

Benefits of Registering
an Integrated Circuit Layout

Exclusive Rights to Stop Others From Using and Selling Your IC
As the owner of an IC, you have the exclusive rights to stop third parties from using, distributing, and developing your IC further without your express written authorisation.
Stopping Others From Using Your Topography
Having an IC for your circuit designs allows you to prevent others from using it. If you see someone using something similar, check what they're doing and issue a cease and desist letter. you can take legal action against them, if they don’t stop.
Monetizing Your Topography
Earn money by commercializing your IC through licensing and royalties. You can set conditions for its use, and ICs can also be sold for a fee
Topography as Strategic Assets
ICs show a company's innovation and are valuable assets. They can boost a company's reputation, aid in marketing, and help attract investors.

Examples of Integrated Circuit Layout

ICs cover a wide range of electrical and electronic devices. For instance:

Examples Integrated Circuit Layout

These certificates cover inventions with industrial applicability 
but may lack the level of inventive activity required for a patent.

Smart devices

Building facades, interior layouts and structural elements of buildings.

© 2017 Unsplash | Igor Son Smart devices on table.


70% of work that goes into aviation technology and airplanes are in its electronic systems.

© 2023 Shutterstock | Ivan Marc Plane wing. All rights reserved.
Everyday objects

Lamps, cookware, seating, sofas, shelves, cleaning tools and more.

© 2021 Stocksy | Bisual Studio Modern lamp.
All rights reserved.
Smart devices

Building facades, interior layouts and structural elements of buildings.

© 2017 Unsplash | Igor Son Smart devices on table.


70% of work that goes into aviation technology and airplanes are in its electronic systems.

© 2023 Shutterstock | Ivan Marc Plane wing. All rights reserved.
Everyday objects

Lamps, cookware, seating, sofas, shelves, cleaning tools and more.

© 2021 Stocksy | Bisual Studio Modern lamp.
All rights reserved.
Smart Devices

Smart personal devices, such as phones, tablets and watches

© 2017 Unsplash | Igor Son Smart devices on table.

70% of work that goes into aviation technology and airplanes are in its electronic systems.

© 2023 Shutterstock | Ivan Marc Plane wing. All rights reserved.
Everyday Appliances

Electronic configurations for household appliances or distinctive features of consumer products.

© Freepik | Nuraghies White heater in living room.

Differences Between Patents, Integrated Circuit Layout and Industrial Designs

Governed by Federal Law No. (11) of 2021 on the Regulation and Protection of Industrial Property Rights, these industrial property rights follow comparable procedures for registration and enforcement. This makes them quite similar in how your topography is protected, yet there are small differences between them in terms of duration, scope of protection and grant criteria.

How the process of obtaining an Integrated Circuit Layout unfolds

Getting a Integrated Circuit Layout in UAE follows a clear process:

What You Will Find in The Following Pages

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Preparing Your Application

Preparing your application