Integrated Circuit Layouts.
Preparing Your Application.

This page has all the details about ICs and how to apply. You'll find info on the required documents, how to search for existing ICs, and helpful documents for a successful IC application.
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If you are going through this for the first time, we’d highly recommend taking the time to read through all the contents on this page, as well as the Apply for an IC and Manage Your IC pages.

We’ve outlined below some things for you to consider before applying to make the process as smooth as possible:

Use the Table of Contents on the left side of the screen to navigate
to the relevant section.

Things to Consider

01. Seek Professional Guidance:

Highly Recommended

Applying for an IC is a complex process. We highly recommend that you reach out to an IP specialist who can help you through the process to increase your chances of your application being accepted.

02. Confidentiality Measures:

Implement confidentiality measures to protect your topography before filing. Consider non-disclosure agreements when discussing your design invention with others. While under the UAE law, there are strong confidentiality provisions built into Layout Design protection, the pre-filing confidentiality measures must still be implemented.

03. Funding and Budgeting:

Decide on the money needed for filing fees, legal assistance, and any other costs to make sure your finances run smoothly. This activity should be visited throughout your preparation and application process.

04. Strategic Decision-Making:

Decide on the aspects of your topography that are most worth protecting as well as its market value. Consider the geographical scope of protection (national, regional, international). Please note, not all countries offer formal IC protection as a standalone IP right.

Things to Do Before You Apply

Use the pre-application checklist linked below or read through the outline here to understand the steps you should take before moving
into the application process.

Download the Pre-application Checklist

Please note, this checklist is not exhaustive and doesn't replace advice from IP experts.

01. Conduct Market Research:

Investigate the market to understand the commercial potential of your topography. Identify potential competitors and existing solutions. You are required by law to commercially exploit your IC, this may be through production and distribution, or licensing. Therefore your idea should be viable and applicable to the market.

02. Outline Designer(s):

Make sure you clearly state who the correct designers are and provide accurate ownership details for the application.

03. Documentation and Description:

Layout designs are the blueprint of your topography. They help examiners understand how it works.

a. Keep records and documentation of your creation:

Maintain comprehensive records of your design’s development, including all sketches, notes, and experimental results. These records are invaluable for proving the layout design’s development process and originality. Ensure these are kept confidential.

b. Clear Statement of Novelty:

Write a clear and detailed description of your design, highlighting what makes it original and not common knowledge in the field.

c. Prepare Layout Designs:

These are the schematics, layout and topographies of how the electrical and electronic components are interconnected. Clearly label each layout. These are not made public by the UAE officials. Under the law, they are kept confidential and will not be disclosed in publicly accessible databases in the UAE, nor in the official gazette.

04. Look Through Application Form:

Look through the forms for your IC application from the MoEc to learn about what information and documents you need.

Required Documents

The IC application process requires you to fill out a number of documents in detail following specific rules set by the IP office.

Find a list of all the documents you’ll need to submit with your application below:

Download Required Documents

Note: All documents must be submitted in both Arabic and English - However, Arabic translations after initial submission in English can be filed within 90 days from the date of notification of amendment order by the MoEc.

Breakdown of Steps,
Time & Associated Costs

Below you will find the steps, timeframes, and costs involved in applying for an IC. The process is divided into three phases: pre-application, application, and post application.

The time and expenses for each phase may vary depending on the complexity of your topography, the quality of your application, and the level of support you choose.

Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Notes and Associated Costs
Find an IP attorney and prepare a Power of Attorney (recommended) This must be signed by you before a notary.
1-3 day
Based on attorney rates and complexity, Assigning a Power of Attorney typically costs between AED 2,000-3,000 including professional fee.
Prepare Deed of Assignment - if the applicant is not the designer.
1-3 day
Based on attorney rates and complexity.
Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation or trade license, or Certified Articles of Association  - if applying as a company.
1-3 day
Based on attorney rates and complexity.
Gather all documents and materials related to the layout design to demonstrate the originality of the design, including relevant dates.
Agree on design ownership.
By determining the rights and ownership structure
Additional legal fees if contracts are drafted
Financial planning for IC application process
Internal financial planning step
Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Notes and Associated Costs
Fill-in the online application form
Submit application and pay service fees online
1 day
AED 500 (Individuals/SMEs/Academia)
AED 1,000 (Companies)
Legal examination of the application
60 days
Included in submission fee
Response to amendment order for missing documents or amendment (optional)
90 days from the amendment order date
AED 1,000 - 5,000 (for re-tests after failure)
Final decision on patent application, grant/rejection of patent
Upon completion 
of examination
No additional official fee
If denied, application appeal period
60 day appeal period
AED 500 (Individuals/SMEs/Academia)
AED 1000 (Companies)
If accepted, Payment of registration fees
To be paid within 60 days
AED 400 (Individual, SMEs, Academia)
AED 800 (Companies)
IC registration
No additional official fee
Publication released
No additional official fee
Certificate issuance
No additional official fee
Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Notes and Associated Costs
Annual maintenance fees for IC
1 day
Annually AED 100 - 2,000 (increases with IC age) For Individual/SMEs/Academia.
Double for Companies.
Marketing monitoring and enforcing your rights
Includes market analysis, legal fees for drafting agreements, and infringement litigation costs.
Step 01
Description of Step
Find an IP attorney and prepare a Power of Attorney (Recommended) This must be signed by you before a notary.
Estimated timeframe
1-3 Day
Notes and associated costs
Based on attorney rates and complexity, Assigning a Power of Attorney typically costs between AED 2000-3,000 including professional fee.
Step 02
Description of Step
Prepare Deed of Assignment - if the applicant is not the designer
Estimated timeframe
1-3 Day
Notes and associated costs
Based on attorney rates and complexity.
Step 03
Description of Step
Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation or trade license, or Certified Articles of Association  - if applying as a company
Estimated timeframe
1-3 Day
Notes and associated costs
Based on attorney rates and complexity.
Step 04
Description of Step
Gather all documents and materials related to the layout design to demonstrate the originality of the design, including relevant dates
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Step 05
Description of Step
Agree on design ownership.
By determining the rights and ownership structure
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Additional legal fees if contracts are drafted
Step 06
Description of Step
Financial planning for IC application process
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Internal financial planning step
Step 01
Description of Step
Fill-in the online application form
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Step 02
Description of Step
Submit application and pay service fees online
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Notes and associated costs
AED 500 (Individuals/SMEs/Academia)
AED 1,000 (Companies)
Step 03
Description of Step
Legal examination of the application
Estimated timeframe
60 Days
Notes and associated costs
Included in submission fee
Step 04
Description of Step
Response to amendment order for missing documents or amendment (optional)
Estimated timeframe
90 days from the amendment order date
Notes and associated costs
AED 1,000 - 5,000 (for re-tests after failure)
Step 05
Description of Step
Final decision on patent application, grant/rejection of patent
Estimated timeframe
Upon completion 
of examination
Notes and associated costs
No additional official fee
Step 06
Description of Step
If denied, application appeal period
Estimated timeframe
60 day appeal period
Notes and associated costs
AED 500 (Individuals/SMEs/Academia)
AED 1000 (Companies)
Step 07
Description of Step
If accepted, Payment of registration fees
Estimated timeframe
To be paid within 60 Days
Notes and associated costs
AED 400 (Individual, SMEs, Academia)
AED 800 (Companies)
Step 08
Description of Step
IC registration
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
No additional official fee
Step 09
Description of Step
Publication released
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
No additional official fee
Step 10
Description of Step
Certificate issuance
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
No additional official fee
Step 01
Description of Step
Annual maintenance fees for IC
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Notes and associated costs
Annually AED 100 - 2,000 (increases with IC age) For Individual/SMEs/Academia.
Double for Companies
Step 02
Description of Step
Marketing monitoring and enforcing your rights
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Includes market analysis, legal fees for drafting agreements, and infringement litigation costs
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