Preparing Your Application.

This page contains everything you need to know about Copyrights and the application process to record your Copyright in the UAE. Here you can find information covering the documents you need to prepare, where and how to conduct a search of existing UAE Copyright recordals, along with a number of useful documents that will help set you up for a successful application.
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If you are going through this for the first time, we’d highly recommend taking the time to read through all the contents on this page, as well as the Apply for Copyright and Manage Your Copyright pages.

We’ve outlined below some things for you to consider before applying to make the process as smooth as possible:

Use the Table of Contents on the left side of the screen to navigate to the relevant section.

Things to Consider

Necessity of Registration:

A Copyright is granted automatically upon the creation of your idea. For example, if you’re a photographer and take a photo - you are automatically granted a Copyright for your creation and are able to use the © logo to protect it. However, registering your Copyright grants you stronger legal protection should someone copy or infringe on your creation. Take a look at our benefits of registering Copyright section to help assess whether it is necessary for you to register.

Things to Do Before You Apply

Use the pre-application checklist linked below or read through the outline here to understand the steps you should take before moving
into the application process.

Download the Pre-application Checklist

Please note, this checklist is not exhaustive and doesn't replace advice from IP experts.

01. Get Support From a Legal Representative:


Understanding all the details within the application process of obtaining a Copyright recordal can be confusing. We’d recommend seeking legal advice to help you in assessing which of your works (if any) it is recommended to obtain a recordal for, preparing your application and supporting you through the process.

List of Legal Representatives

02. Original Work Representation:

Prepare a tangible representation of your work, whether it's a manuscript, recording, or visual depiction, to submit with the application.

03. Proof of Ownership:

If applicable, gather documentation establishing ownership, such as assignment agreements, licenses, other forms of proof of authorship and details of date of origin of the work. For joint works, ensure accurate details are provided for all authors, and establish clarity on ownership shares.

04. Publication Details (if applicable):

Although it's not mandatory by the MoEc, if the work has been published, provide accurate details about the publication date and any related information.

05. Look Through the Application Form:

Look through the MoEc forms for your Copyright application to be confident that you have all the information and documents you need.

Required Documents

Follow the link below to get a full list of the documents and information required to file a Copyright recordal. Having all of this information prepared before starting the application is important to ensure the process is as smooth as possible.

Download Required Documents

Breakdown of Steps, Time & Associated Costs

Below you will find the steps, timeframes, and costs involved in applying for a Copyright. The process is divided into three phases: pre-application, application, and post application.

The time and expenses for each phase may vary depending on the complexity of your idea, the quality of your application, and the level of support you choose.

Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Notes and Associated Costs
Creation: The inception of your creative work marks the beginning of the Copyright lifecycle. From the stroke of a pen to the click of a camera, the act of creating automatically grants you Copyright protection.
Fixation: Once your idea takes tangible form – be it in writing, recording, or any other medium – it becomes 'fixed,' solidifying your Copyright protection. This crucial stage ensures your work is ready to be shared with the world.
Find an IP Attorney and prepare a Power of Attorney (optional).
1 day
Based on attorney rates and complexity, assigning a Power of Attorney typically costs between AED 400-1,000.
Gather all documents and materials.
Draft application.
Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Notes and Associated Costs
Fill in the application form.
Submit application and pay official fees.
1 day
AED 50 for Individuals.
AED 200 Companies / Legal Persons.
Examination process. MoEc processes the Copyright application through an examination process.
3 working days
Application granted / rejected.
Upon completion of examination.
No additional official fee.
E-certificate issued.
No additional official fee.
Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Notes and Associated Costs
Monitoring the market and enforcing your rights.
1 day
If you are using a legal representative to survey the market, there will be associated costs, which could vary depending on the legal representative / monitoring service.
Step 01
Description of Step
Creation: The inception of your creative work marks the beginning of the copyright lifecycle. From the stroke of a pen to the click of a camera, the act of creation automatically grants you copyright protection.
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Step 02
Description of Step
Fixation: Once your idea takes tangible form – be it in writing, recording, or any other medium – it becomes 'fixed,' solidifying your copyright protection. This crucial stage ensures your work is ready to be shared with the world.
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Step 03
Description of Step
Find an IP attorney and prepare a Power of Attorney ( Optional )
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Notes and associated costs
Based on attorney rates and complexity, Assigning a Power of Attorney typical cost between AED 400-1,000
Step 04
Description of Step
Gather all documents and materials
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Step 05
Description of Step
Draft Application
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Step 01
Description of Step
Fill-in the application form
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Step 02
Description of Step
Submit application and pay official fees
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Notes and associated costs
AED 50 for individuals
AED 200 company/legal persons
Step 03
Description of Step
Examination process. The Ministry of Economy processes the Copyright application through an examination process
Estimated timeframe
1-2 months
Notes and associated costs
Step 04
Description of Step
Application granted/rejected
Estimated timeframe
Upon completion of examination
Notes and associated costs
No additional official fee
Step 05
Description of Step
E-certificate issued
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
No additional official fee
Step 01
Description of Step
Monitoring the Market and enforcing your rights
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
If using a legal representative to survey the market, there will be associated costs which will vary.
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