Preparing Your Application.

This page contains everything you need to know about Trademarks and the application process. Here you can find information covering the documents you need to prepare, where and how to conduct a search of existing Trademarks, along with a number of useful documents that will help set you up for a successful application.
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If you are going through this for the first time, we’d highly recommend taking the time to read through all the contents, as well as the Apply for a Trademark and 
Manage Your Trademark pages.

We’ve outlined below some things for you to consider before applying to make the process as smooth as possible:

Use the Table of Contents on the left side of the screen to navigate
to the relevant section.

Things to Consider

01. Seek Professional Guidance:

Highly Recommended

Applying for a Trademark is a complex process. We highly recommend that you reach out to an IP specialist who can help you through the process to increase the chance of your application being accepted.

Download the UAE IP Attorney Registry

02. Make Sure Your Mark is Distinctive:

Be unique in your market so that your customers can easily identify you. The chosen identifier will make you recognizable and ensure your customers make informed decisions.

03. Use the ™ Mark Before Registering:

This symbol signifies to others that you own the mark but are yet to register it. Once you have registered the mark you can use the ® symbol.

04. Funding and Budgeting:

Decide on the money needed for filing fees, legal assistance, and any other costs to make sure your finances run smoothly. This activity should be visited throughout your preparation and application process.

05. Strategic Decision-Making:

Decide on the marks that are most relevant to your market and which ones you want to register. Consider the geographical scope of protection (national, regional, international) alongside the classification you wish to use.

Things to Do Before You Apply

Use the pre-application checklist linked below or read through the outline here to understand the steps you should take before moving
into the application process.

Download the Pre-application Checklist

Please note, this checklist is not exhaustive and doesn't replace advice from IP experts.

01. Search Existing Trademarks:

Look for other companies and brands like yours by doing a thorough search through trademark databases from various sources to ensure your mark is sufficiently unique.

02. Determine the Classification:

The Nice Classification (NCL), is an international classification of goods and services applied for the registration of marks. In order to register your mark, it’s essential to identify which classification(s) your mark falls into. You can find the list of goods and services on WIPO and the Classes description here (detailed in both Arabic and English) It is possible that you may need to file in more than one class of goods and/or services in order to fully protect your commercial interests.

03. Trademark Ownership:

Decide on who owns the mark, this can be an individual, partnership, company, owners of a company, or other legal entities.

04. Look Through Application Form:

Look through the forms for your Trademark application from the MoEc to learn about what information and documents you need.

Using this Pre-Application Checklist before applying for a Trademark helps you understand the steps you should take before applying to register your mark, its market viability, and any legal considerations you may have to undertake. It's important to note that this checklist is not comprehensive and should not substitute advice from an IP Attorney.

Tips for Registering
 Your Trademark

Be Distinctive:

Trademarks are used to identify and protect brands, ensuring that customers can easily recognize products they like and trust. This means that they need to be distinctive in relation to the goods and services.

For example, “Milk” is a type of dairy product so it cannot be used as a trademark for dairy goods as it won’t be distinctive enough from other dairy brands. However, “Milk” can be used as a brand for motor cars as it can be considered distinctive enough.

Language Considerations:

In the UAE, trademarks are registered per word, image, or any other type of identifier. If your brand name has marks for Arabic and English, these need to be registered separately. Take care to consider what best suits your business strategy and market needs.

Understand the Nice Classification System:

The UAE uses Nice Classification to separate goods and services into different categories. It is a widely recognized international system administered by WIPO for the purpose of trademark registration. Each application you make can only be filed with one classification. It is important to have a classification that best aligns with your business and strategy. The full list of classification may be found on WIPO.

In the UAE and other countries, if a registered mark is not used for a certain period (in the UAE 5 uninterrupted years) it can be canceled in full or in part. It is a case of "use it or lose it".

Avoid Using City or Country Names in Your Trademark:

In the UAE, using a city or country’s name will lead to your application being rejected. For instance, the brand name “Dubai Toys” for a toy manufacturing company will likely lead to your trademark application being rejected. This would be the same for the names of any other city or country name.

Search Existing Trademarks

A key activity you should undertake before starting your Trademark application is searching for existing Trademarks.

The primary reason for this is to check that your mark is unique, and will not be infringing on any existing Trademarks. This includes your mark being too similar to others.

Find out more about where and how to search below:

While a search may result in you having to consider an alternative brand, it will be more cost-effective and less damaging to your business to move to an alternative brand before launching, than afterwards.

Searching existing Trademarks can be a difficult task to undertake. IP Attorneys have training and experience to conduct the search process well.

Look through our UAE IP attorney registry to find the most suitable one for you. Seeking legal support at the early phases of your IP journey will only streamline the process and decrease the chances of your application being refused.

Download the UAE IP Attorney Registry

Required Documents

Getting through the trademark application process needs careful attention and following specific rules from MoEc or DED. Make the process easier by gathering and submitting the necessary documents.

You can find a list of important documents, in the form of a checklist, for a successful Trademark application by clicking the link below:

Download Required Documents for MoEc Application

Download Required Document for DED Application

Note: All documents must be submitted in both Arabic and English - However, Arabic translations can be filed up to 90 days after initial submission in English.

Breakdown of Steps,

Time & Associated Costs

Below are the steps, timelines, and expenses associated with Trademark applications. The process is segmented into pre-application, application, and post application phases, with varying durations and costs based on your idea's complexity, application quality, and chosen support level.

Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Notes and Associated Costs
Find an IP attorney and prepare a Power of Attorney (recommended). This must be signed by you before a notary.
1-3 days
Based on attorney rates and complexity, Assigning a Power of Attorney typically costs between AED 2,000-3,000 including professional fee.
Certified copy Certificate of Incorporation or Article of Association - if applying as a company (UAE based applicants only)
1-3 days
Based on attorney rates and complexity.
Agree on mark ownership by determining the rights and ownership structure
1 day
Additional legal fees if contracts are drafted
Search existing Trademarks
1- 30 days
AED 350 for enquire about registration of Trademark service on MoEc
Financial planning for Trademark application process
Internal financial planning step
Gather all documents and material for the application
Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Associated Costs
(Per Trademark Per Class)
Fill-in the application form
Submit application and pay service fees
1 day
AED 750
Application examination
90 - 180 days
Included in submission fee
Publication fee, if examination was successful
1 day
AED 750
Trademark published in Trademark Journal
1 day
Included in publication fee
Opposition period
30 days
If no opposition is raised, application is accepted
1 day
If opposition is raised, application is denied, applicant may go to grievance committee for a final assessment
Final registration fee
1 day
AED 5,000
Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Associated Costs
(Per Trademark Per Class)
Annual maintenance fees for Trademark
1 day
AED 5,000 every 10 years
Market monitoring - through Trademark watch services
Based on attorney rates and complexity
Market monitoring - through Dubai Customs
1 day
AED 220
Enforce your rights
Legal fees for issuing cease and desist letters.
Fees for raising complaints to Dubai Police, Dubai Customs and MoEc.
Cost of going to litigation (this can range from AED 90,000 - 200,000)
Step 01
Description of Step
Find an IP attorney and prepare a Power of Attorney ( Recommended ). This must be signed by you before a notary.
Estimated timeframe
1-3 Days
Notes and associated costs
Based on attorney rates and complexity, Assigning a Power of Attorney typically costs between AED 2000-3,000 including professional fee.
Step 02
Description of Step
Certified copy Certificate of Incorporation or Article of Association - if applying as a company (UAE based applicants only)
Estimated timeframe
1-3 Days
Notes and associated costs
Based on attorney rates and complexity
Step 03
Description of Step
Agree on mark ownership by determining the rights and ownership structure
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Notes and associated costs
Additional legal fees if contracts are drafted
Step 04
Description of Step
Search existing Trademarks
Estimated timeframe
1- 30 Days
Notes and associated costs
AED 350 for enquire about registration of Trademark service on MoEc
Step 05
Description of Step
Financial planning for Trademark application process
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Internal financial planning step
Step 06
Description of Step
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Step 01
Description of Step
Fill-in the application form
Estimated timeframe
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
Step 02
Description of Step
Submit application and pay service fees
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
AED 750
Step 03
Description of Step
Application examination
Estimated timeframe
90 - 180 days
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
Included in submission fee
Step 04
Description of Step
Publication fee, if examination was successful
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
AED 750
Step 05
Description of Step
Trademark published in Trademark Journal
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
Included in publication fee
Step 06
Description of Step
Opposition period
Estimated timeframe
30 days
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
Step 07
Description of Step
If no opposition is raised, application is accepted
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
Step 08
Description of Step
If opposition is raised, application is denied, applicant may go to grievance committee for a final assessment
Estimated timeframe
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
Step 09
Description of Step
Final Registration fee
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
AED 5,000
Step 01
Description of Step
Annual maintenance fees for Trademark
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
AED 5,000
Step 02
Description of Step
Market monitoring - through Trademark watch services
Estimated timeframe
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
Based on attorney rates and complexity
Step 03
Description of Step
Market monitoring - through Dubai Customs
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
AED 220
Step 04
Description of Step
Enforce your rights
Estimated timeframe
Associated costs (per trademark per class)
Legal fees for issuing cease and desist lettersFees for raising complaints to Dubai Police, Dubai Customs and MoEs. Cost of going to litigation (this can range from AED 90,000 - 200,000)
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