Plant Varieties.
Preparing Your Application.

This page contains everything you need to know about Plant Variety and the application process. Here you can find information covering the documents you need to prepare, where and how to conduct a search of existing plant variety, along with a number of useful documents that will help set you up for a successful Plant Variety application.
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If you are going through this for the first time, we’d highly recommend taking the time to read through all the contents on this page, as well as the Apply for a Plant Variety and Manage your Plant Variety pages.

We’ve outlined below some things for you to consider before applying to make the process as smooth as possible:

Use the Table of Contents on the left side of the screen to navigate to the relevant section.

Things to Consider

01. Seek Professional Guidance:

Highly Recommended

Obtaining Plant Variety protection can be complex. It's best to talk to an IP expert who knows about agricultural biotechnology and plant breeding. They can help you with the application details, increasing your chances of getting protection more effectively.

Download the UAE IP Attorney Registry

02. Validating Distinctiveness of Your Variety:

It's essential to verify that your plant variety fulfills the essential criteria for protection: novelty, distinctiveness, uniformity, and stability. Engage in thorough research to ensure your variety (i) genuinely offers something new and valuable to the agricultural or horticultural markets, (ii) is unharmful to health and/or the environment and (iv) is compliant with Islamic law and any other applicable laws in the UAE.

03. Confidentiality Measures:

Protecting the uniqueness of your plant variety before applying is important. Use confidentiality agreements when sharing details of your variety with others to keep it eligible for protection.

04. Funding and Budgeting:

Assess the financial requirements. Although the registration is free, expert advice will incur a cost and there may be additional expenses on top of this. Effective budget management throughout the application process is vital to ensure financial resources do not become a constraint on your path to protection.

05. Strategic Decision-Making:

Think about what makes your plant variety special and worth protecting. Also, think about where you want protection – just in your country, regionally, or internationally. This will help you get the most commercial benefits and make your variety successful in the market.

Things to Do Before You Apply

Use the pre-application checklist linked below or read through the outline here to understand the steps you should take before moving
into the application process.

Download the Pre-application Checklist

Please note, this checklist is not exhaustive and doesn't replace advice from IP experts.

01. Search Existing Plant Varieties:

Do a thorough search in plant variety databases to make sure your plant variety is new and not already registered. Learn where, how & why to search here.

02. Conduct Market Research:

Learn about the market for your new plant variety. Look at the demand, competition, and potential sales opportunities. Think about both short-term sales and long-term sustainability. This helps decide if your variety meets market needs and legal requirements for selling.

03. Documentation and Description:

Plant Variety Specification is the blueprint of your new variety. They help examiners access it against the criteria.

a. Record breeding and development process:

Keep a record of the breeding process and key stages of your plant variety's development. Keep detailed notes on how it was bred, its characteristics, and any genetic markers if used. These records are important to show the uniqueness, consistency, and stability of your variety.

b. Prepare descriptive materials:

Develop a comprehensive description of your plant variety, highlighting its distinct characteristics, growth behavior, and any other traits that set it apart from existing varieties. Include high-quality photographs or illustrations as visual evidence to support your claims.

c. Evaluate Plant Variety protection eligibility:

Assess your variety against the criteria of novelty, distinctness, uniformity, and stability (DUS criteria). This evaluation is fundamental to determining the protectability of your variety under plant variety protection laws.

d. Decide on the scope of protection:

Make strategic decisions regarding the geographical scope of your application—whether to seek protection nationally, regionally or internationally. This decision should align with your commercial strategy and the variety’s potential market.

e. Application drafting:

Write clear and specific applications that describe the legal limits of your variety.

If you have already filed your plant variety overseas, you will be asked to provide documentation from your overseas filing, to support the application in the UAE.

04. Review Application Requirements:

Before filling out the application forms, review the specific requirements and documentation needed by looking at the application forms. This step ensures that you have all necessary information and materials ready. You can go through required documents.

Download Required Documents

Note: If you’re submitting it via an IP attorney, the authority of the attorney will be required when submitting the application for registration through a Power of Attorney.

Search Existing Plant Varieties

A key activity you should undertake before starting your plant variety application is conducting an existing plant variety search. The primary reason for this is to confirm that your variety is distinct from existing varieties.

Find out more about where and how to search below:

Why Search for Existing Plant Varieties?

Ensure distinctness and novelty:

Confirm that your variety is new and distinct from already protected varieties, meeting the criteria for protection under plant variety protection laws.

Inform development
and protection strategy:

Understanding the landscape of protected varieties, including their denominations, helps in strategically positioning your variety in the market.

Prepare a strong application:

Insights from your search, particularly regarding variety denominations, enable you to articulate the uniqueness of your variety more effectively in your application.

Identify potential legal
and commercial pathways:

Early identification of similar varieties and their protection status can guide your decisions on commercialization strategies and freedom-to-operate considerations.

Ensure Distinctness and Novelty:

Confirm that your variety is new and distinct from already protected varieties, meeting the criteria for protection under plant variety protection laws.

Inform Development
 and Protection Strategy:

Understanding the landscape of protected varieties, including their denominations, helps in strategically positioning your variety in the market.

Prepare a Strong Application:

Insights from your search, particularly regarding variety denominations, enable you to articulate the uniqueness of your variety more effectively in your application.

Identify Potential Legal
and Commercial Pathways:

Early identification of similar varieties and their protection status can guide your decisions on commercialization strategies and freedom-to-operate considerations.

Searching existing plant varieties can be a difficult task to undertake. IP attorneys have training and experience to conduct the search process well.

Download the UAE IP Attorney Registry

Required Documents

The plant variety application process requires you to fill out a number of documents in detail following specific rules set by The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MoCCE).

Find a list of all the documents you’ll need to submit with your application below:

Download Required Documents

Note: Registration requests and documents must be submitted in Arabic. If you wish to submit in any other language(s), a legal Arabic translation must be attached to it.

Writing a Plant Variety Specification

Plant variety specifications act as a blueprint for your breed and can help explain your variation details to examiners and later, to the world.

Crafting a plant variety Specification mirrors the precision and thoroughness required in Plant Variety documentation, albeit with a focus on the unique aspects of plant varieties.

We highly recommend seeking legal guidance at this point in your journey if you haven’t done so already as the document can be difficult to draft accurately.

Here's how to approach writing a plant variety specification:

Basic Information:

Applications must include essential identifiers like the plant's scientific and common names, a suggested name that reflects a key trait or genetic advancement, and the country of origin. Clearly defining the botanical and common names, including Arabic equivalents where relevant, helps classify your plant within its biological taxonomy, aiding the examiner's understanding. Look at the Arabic common names and scientific names while checking the GENIE database as well.

Commercial Novelty Statement:

Confirm your variety's market novelty by stating it hasn't been commercially utilized in the UAE for over a year or globally for more than six years, for vines and trees and globally for more than 4 years for all other plants, in line with Ministerial Decree No. 17 of 2009. This step is crucial to establishing eligibility for protection under current novelty standards.

No Harm Statement:

Assert the safety of your variety, ensuring it poses no threat to human, animal, or plant health and doesn't negatively impact environmental biodiversity. Such a declaration is vital for affirming the variety's benign nature in its cultivation and commercial activities.

Sustainability Statement:

Certify your plant variety's environmental compatibility, emphasizing its neutral or positive impact on ecological sustainability and biodiversity conservation. This attestation underscores your commitment to environmental stewardship.

Distinctiveness Statement:

Demonstrate your variety's uniqueness by detailing its novel characteristics that distinguish it from related species. A comparative analysis to highlight phenotypic or genotypic differences underpins the variety's claim to novelty and distinctiveness.

Genetic Authenticity Statement:

Verify the genetic integrity of your plant variety, affirming no unauthorized alterations have been made to its genetic structure. This confirmation upholds the variety's originality and genetic consistency.

Stability Statement:

Illustrate the genetic stability of your plant variety over successive propagation cycles, noting any variability and the extent to which defining traits remain consistent. This information is crucial for proving the variety's reliability through generations.

Color Photographs:

Provide high-quality color photographs showcasing your plant variety's unique morphological features. These visuals are essential for demonstrating the distinctive attributes that contribute to the variety's identity.

Acknowledgment of Requirements:

Conclude with an acknowledgment that all application details comply with the stipulations of the Ministerial decree on plant variety protection. This acknowledgment affirms your comprehensive understanding of and adherence to the legal prerequisites for application submission.

While going through the application process via The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MoCCE) we’ve created a document format that helps you consolidate all of the requirements. This document is optional and allows you to fill an Application for plant variety protection certificate that is not meant to replace the main application process.

Download Form for Plant Variety Protection Certificate

Note: This form is not meant to replace the application process through the portal.

Breakdown of Steps, Time & Associated Costs

Below you will find the steps, timeframes, and costs involved in applying for a plant variety. The process is divided into three phases: pre-application, application, and post application.

The time and expenses for each phase may vary depending on the complexity of your plant, the quality of your application, and the level of support you choose.

Pre-Application Phase
Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Notes and Associated Costs
Find an IP attorney and prepare a Power of Attorney (recommended). This must be signed by you before a notary.
1-3 days
Based on attorney rates and complexity, Assigning a Power of Attorney typically costs between AED 2,000-3,000 including professional fee.
Prepare Deed of Assignment - if the applicant is not the inventor.
1-3 days
Based on attorney rates and complexity.
Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation or trade license, or Certified Articles of Association  - if applying as a company.
1-3 days
Based on attorney rates and complexity.
Gather all necessary documentation and evidence of the variety's novelty, distinctiveness, uniformity, and stability.
7 - 14 days
Costs associated with obtaining and preparing documentation, including potential costs for trials or expert analyses.
Prepare statements regarding the variety’s impact on human, animal health, and environmental sustainability.
7 - 30 days
Costs for environmental impact assessments or expert consultations may apply.
Plan and possibly initiate propagation tests to demonstrate the stability and uniformity of the variety across cycles.
Costs depend on the nature of the tests; can vary significantly based on the variety and testing requirements.
Conduct a preliminary search for existing plant varieties to ensure novelty and distinctiveness.
5-30 days
Depending on the depth of the search; free if using the PLUTO standard service, and PLUTO Premium service fee is approximately AED 2,750 per year.
Analyze the market potential and commercial viability of the plant variety.
7-14 days
Free to low cost if conducted internally; higher costs if conducted by market research firms.
Financial planning for the application process.
Internal financial planning step
Begin drafting the application for plant variety protection, incorporating all findings and documentation.
14-30 days
Includes time for writing and revision; costs may include fees for legal or technical writing assistance.
Application Phase
Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Notes and Associated Costs
Fill out electronic form
Formal examination of application
Included of 4 ½ months total processing time
Included in the process; no separate fee required.
A thorough review assessing the novelty, distinctness, uniformity, and stability of the plant variety through a Technical Examination of Application.
Included in the 4 ½ months total processing time
Included in the process; no separate fee required.
Decision issuance by registrar
Included in the 4 ½ months
Included in the process; no separate fee required.
If there is no objection to the application, the grant of right is published in the Official Gazette.
Included in the 4 ½ months total processing time
Included in the process; no separate fee required.
Following publication and absent objections, a certificate is issued electronically.
Concludes within 4 ½ months
Certificate issuance is part of the provided service at no extra charge.
Post Application
Description of Step
Estimated Timeframe
Notes and Associated Costs
Annual renewal fees for Plant Variety
1 day
Free of charge
Marketing monitoring and enforcing your rights.
Includes market analysis, legal fees for drafting agreements, and infringement litigation costs.
Step 01
Description of Step
Find an IP attorney and prepare a Power of Attorney (Recommended). This must be signed by you before a notary.
Estimated timeframe
1-3 Days
Notes and associated costs
Based on attorney rates and complexity, Assigning a Power of Attorney typically costs between AED 2000-3,000 including professional fee.
Step 02
Description of Step
Prepare Deed of Assignment - if the applicant is not the inventor
Estimated timeframe
1-3 Days
Notes and associated costs
Based on attorney rates and complexity.
Step 03
Description of Step
Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation or trade license, or Certified Articles of Association  - if applying as a company
Estimated timeframe
1-3 Days
Notes and associated costs
Based on attorney rates and complexity.
Step 04
Description of Step
Gather all necessary documentation and evidence of the variety's novelty, distinctiveness, uniformity, and stability.
Estimated timeframe
7-14 days
Notes and associated costs
Costs associated with obtaining and preparing documentation, including potential costs for trials or expert analyses.
Step 05
Description of Step
Prepare statements regarding the variety’s impact on human, animal health, and environmental sustainability.
Estimated timeframe
7-30 days
Notes and associated costs
Costs for environmental impact assessments or expert consultations may apply.
Step 06
Description of Step
Plan and possibly initiate propagation tests to demonstrate the stability and uniformity of the variety across cycles.
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Costs depend on the nature of the tests; can vary significantly based on the variety and testing requirements.
Step 07
Description of Step
Conduct a preliminary search for existing plant varieties to ensure novelty and distinctiveness.
Estimated timeframe
5-30 days
Notes and associated costs
Depending on the depth of the search; free if using the PLUTO standard service, and PLUTO Premium service fee is approximately AED 2,750 per year
Step 08
Description of Step
Analyze the market potential and commercial viability of the plant variety.
Estimated timeframe
7-14 days
Notes and associated costs
Free to low cost if conducted internally; higher costs if conducted by market research firms.
Step 09
Description of Step
Financial planning for the application process
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Internal financial planning step
Step 10
Description of Step
Begin drafting the application for plant variety protection, incorporating all findings and documentation.
Estimated timeframe
14-30 days
Notes and associated costs
Includes time for writing and revision; costs may include fees for legal or technical writing assistance.
Step 01
Description of Step
Fill-in the application form
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Step 02
Description of Step
Formal Examination of Application
Estimated timeframe
Included of 4 ½ months total processing time
Notes and associated costs
Included in the process; no separate fee required.
Step 03
Description of Step
A thorough review assessing the novelty, distinctness, uniformity, and stability of the plant variety through a Technical Examination of Application
Estimated timeframe
Included in the 4 ½ months total processing time
Notes and associated costs
Included in the process; no separate fee required.
Step 04
Description of Step
Decision Issuance by Registrar
Estimated timeframe
Included in the 4 ½ months
Notes and associated costs
Included in the process; no separate fee required.
Step 05
Description of Step
If there is no objection to the application, the grant of right is published in the Official Gazette.
Estimated timeframe
Included in the 4 ½ months total processing time
Notes and associated costs
Included in the process; no separate fee required.
Step 06
Description of Step
Following publication and absent objections, a certificate is issued electronically.
Estimated timeframe
Concludes within the 132 working days
Notes and associated costs
Certificate issuance is part of the provided service at no extra charge.
Step 01
Description of Step
Annual renewal fees for Plant Variety
Estimated timeframe
1 Day
Notes and associated costs
Free of charge
Step 02
Description of Step
Marketing monitoring and enforcing your rights
Estimated timeframe
Notes and associated costs
Includes market analysis, legal fees for drafting agreements, and infringement litigation costs
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