Industrial Designs.
Apply for an Industrial Design.

In this page you will find information on where to apply, what happens after you have submitted your application and the things you need to do once you have been granted an Industrial Design.
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If this is the first time you are applying for an Industrial Design, we recommend taking the time to read through the Preparing Your Application page to get an understanding of Industrial Designs and what you need to do before applying.

To apply for an Industrial Design you must be a UAE citizen or have residency status in the UAE. If you are applying from outside the UAE, a registered IP Attorney may apply on your behalf.

Note: Documents must also be submitted in both English and Arabic. However, Arabic translations after initial submission in English can be filed within 90 days from the date of notification of amendment order by the MoEc.

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Finding an IP Attorney

We highly recommend working with an IP attorney throughout the application process 
to avoid mistakes and increase chances of a successful application.
Their fees can range from AED 1,000-3,000 per hour.

Use our IP Attorney Registry to find a recommended agent to help guide you in your Industrial Design journey.

Download the UAE IP Attorney Registry

Note: Some documents should be submitted in both Arabic and English. Any missing documents should be submitted in accordance with the timeline instructed by the MoEc through official notification. (Generally, 90 days from the notification delivery.)

Where to Apply

Industrial Design applications in UAE can be submitted through the MoEc Patent and Industrial Design Portal. To access applications for Industrial Design, “Apply for Industrial Design” in the MoEc E-services portal.

What Happens When You Submit Your Application

During the examination phase, examiners carefully assess your filed Industrial Design for its novelty and originality. Understanding this process is vital for applicants in the UAE. It involves back-and-forth communication with examiners, so responding promptly is essential.

This phase can take 90 days and follows this outline:

01. Filing and Classification:

Your application will undergo an automatic verification to ensure it contains the required documents at the filing date and the MoEc will review the classification of the design according to the Locarno Classification.

02. Office Actions and Responses:

During the examination, the examination office might send requests for more information or amendments to your application. You need to make these amendments within 90 days of being notified. Responding on time and providing thorough answers is crucial to resolving any questions and keeping the examination process moving forward.

03. Amendments and Clarifications:

After receiving amendment orders from the office, you can make amendments or submit the missing documents. You have two chances to do this, and if both fail to satisfy the conditions for Industrial Design, the Industrial Design won't be granted. In that case, you may have to submit a new application with a better case, subject to novelty requirements. If this is not an option, an IP Attorney can assist you with possible alternatives for protecting your rights. This back-and-forth process makes sure the application meets the standards set by UAE authorities.

04. Registration and Publication:

If the industrial design examiner accepts the application confirming that the application satisfies all legal requirements for industrial design, you are invited to pay the registration fee and the registration will be published through the online digital library after the ministerial decision to register.

05. Post-Grant Re-examination and Appeal to Committee:

After publication any interested party may oppose the registration by making a post-grant re-examination request to the ministry with evidence and reasons to cancel the registration. Any party can appeal to the Committee on the result of the post-grant reexamination.

Tracking Your Application

You can track your applications on the MoEc Patent and Industrial Design Portals. Look for them in the My Applications tab under the Tools section.

If your application needs amendments from your side. You can find the details of what you need to do on the portal in the notification section.

After You Have Been Granted a Industrial Design

Annuity Fees:

Each year, you must pay fees to the Development of Innovation in the Economy and Patents Department (DIEPD) at MoEc to maintain your Industrial Design. The fee deadline is based on the date of your application submission, not its approval date. For instance, if you applied for an Industrial Design on March 19, 2023, the 2nd year annual fee is due by March 19, 2024.

Enforcement and Defense:

Monitor the market for any potential infringements, such as unauthorized commercial use of the registered industrial design through using, manufacturing, sales, offer for sale, or importing. You can do this yourself or arrange for an IP attorney to monitor on your behalf.

Market Integration and Commercialization:

You may use your industrial design through various commercialization modes including direct exploitation or licensing. However, you must also keep in mind that exercising your industrial design may infringe someone else’s intellectual property including patent as well because industrial design registration does not guarantee that the industrial design is free of any other predeveloped technology. You may need legal arrangements like cross licensing even for exercising your own industrial design in such cases.

To find out more about the management of your Industrial Design including infringement and payment schedules, please visit Manage Your Industrial Design page.